The Milwaukee area is due to get another 6-13" of snow on Sunday. There's a storm watch issued, AGAIN, but at this point it's the equivalent of putting up a deer crossing sign.
For people not from this area, these signs are posted in more rural areas where deer are likely to cross, such as near cornfields or Christmas tree farms. The state of Wisconsin is filled with little country highways, and on just about any trip you make into any part of the state you will see them. Often, these babies appear every few miles, and they're accompanied by a small sign underneath with the number of miles through which you should be more aware. I've often said that one BIG sign should just be posted on each road coming into the state and we should get rid of all the others. Its just a given that there will be deer. And just because a sign isn't posted won't keep them from crossing somewhere. I've seen the buggars near rather busy city areas. In fact, I've doubted my own eyesight when coming across deer in the road a half block away from Wal-mart. Think about all the money that would save...putting up a dozen or so signs instead of thousands. But I digress...
My point is that at this point, let's, for the sake of saving our own breath, issue a freakin' winter weather warning until April. We'll revisit it at that point and see if the snow has stopped. Do you sense a bit of crabbiness in my voice? Guess what? There is.
If you haven't heard by now of the shooting at Northern Illinois University, you can read coverage of the story here. Is it me, or does this seem to be happening more and more? I'm glad they haven't released the shooter's name - and I hope they never do. Most of these kids, that's what they want...almost all of them leave a note of some sort saying something to the effect of, "if I'm going out I'm taking as many of you %@&#! with me and getting my 15 minutes along with it". Take away the fame factor...will that make it a less attractive or romantic way to go? Just what is the draw? I guess as a non-criminal, I lack the capacity to "get" it.
And finally, Valentine's Day was low-key at our house. It always is. We don't "do" Valentine's Day, or Sweetest Day. We make it a point to do something together without the kids, but we're just too practical to buy a gift just because someone says we should. And flowers? No way. DO NOT spend $50 on a dozen roses that'll be dead in two days. I shudder at the thought of waiting for an hour at an over-crowded restaurant for an overpriced meal just because the date is Feb 14. I'd rather get a pizza and a movie and stay home to cuddle on the couch. I had the boys make a card for Daddy, and by that I mean I put took a piece of cardstock, folded it in half and put the boys handprints on the inside, then let Nick color and put stickers all over it. Daddy said it was perfect. I got the best Valentine's gift - Daddy gave the boys a bath yesterday morning so I wouldn't have to do it last night. That's real love right there!
1 comment:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I have been avoiding weather forecasts for a couple of days now, hoping it will all go away.
I wonder what we're getting down here in Chi-town...guess I'll have to go look!
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