I don't know why I've decided to name this post 'Hit me with your best shot' other than it seems to somehow fit and will probably get the song stuck in peoples' heads. (Don't know why that's good, it just is.)
We recently joined the Y. Cuz dood, I need to get in better...consistency.
My midsection? Its the consistency of Flarp. If you poke me in the side, I hope I won't make rude farting noises, but your finger may just disappear slightly.
That and we wanted Nick to attend some sort of pre-school, and found the Y has one.
One of the reasons we joined now? A challenge from a friend - our very own biggest loser couples competition! One friend is doing the stats each week, and the rest of us are on our honor to email her our weights by Tuesday. The entry fee is $25/couple and the two who loose the most weight by Christmas get the pot!
So last week, Jay & I weighed in. I am admitting my weight here because 1) I'm not ashamed, I just want to be healthier all around and B) I want to have some accountability for my progress. I actually contemplated taking a picture of my muffin top, to have a physical before and after account, but then realized there are probably pervs out there who'd find me via Google and get their jollies off my chubby white midsection and that just grossed me out.
My height: 5'9"
My week 1 weight: 160.7 lbs.
According to most online healthy weight/height ratio charts, that puts me just at the upper "crust" of healthy weights for my size. Ideally, I'd like to lose about 10 lbs and just get in regular cardio workouts. So far, we're doing pretty well - the Y has onsite child care for $2/hr for two kids (yay!) - which makes it pretty easy, especially when the kids want to go play there.
I'm going to work out again today after work. Wish me luck!
Way to rock it girl - now you're going to be a REALLY hot mama - cause darling, I think you look beautiful - even with your muffin top! Muffin tops of the world unite! That's all I'm sayin'!
Even people in the 'upper crust' want to lose a few! Way to go. Muffin tops unite!
Good for you Colleen! I'd say you won't have to work too hard. You are definately height, weight porportionate!! I weigh 160 and am 5'4". I know I just had a baby but do I ever know how it is too want to feel healthier. I started walking this week with some neighbors. Good luck to you and your hubby on your progress. It's nice to have someone to diet and work out with.
You're doing great for just signing up!! Hang in there! I'd LOVE to lose 10 lbs. I NEED to lose about 30 though!
Way to go, Y Girl! We don't have one near us...yet, but I know many people who have become much healthier because of them.
Good luck! 160 is what I want to weigh - 20 more pounds to go. We had a YMCA about 5 minutes from our house, but it closed down last winter:(
Good luck. I'll be here eating my chips and dips reading about your progress. You are a better woman than I will ever be. :)
Joining is half the battle, so congrats.
*As I down a piece of pie.*
Good for you!
When we lived "up there", we belonged to the Y in Cudahy for the exact reasons you mentioned . .. preschool for our oldest, really cheap childcare for our youngest, and a workout for mama! I was in the best shape of my life for that blissful year, then got pregnant with #3 and STILL haven't gotten back into my groove.
Here's a good tip for 'ya . . . the pre-K is about 2 hours long, right? Spend about 1 to 1-1/2 hrs. working out, then bring your toiletries with you and take a long, uninterrupted shower there. Grossed out? Don't be! Once you get past the old naked ladies getting out of swim class, it becomes easy. And if I didn't shower there, I would never get a chance to and would S-T-I-N-K for the rest of the day : ) Just don't forget your flip-flops!
I am NOT going to tell my weight, but I started back at the "Y" also! I need to lose 25 pounds. Shall we help each other? Online support? Cheerleaders? Now, where are those chips....
You go girl!! Keep us posted. :)
Hi, Colleen... I'm going through something similar (as you may have read). I'm in the "upper crust," too. I don't mind being "upper crust," but I don't love the muffin top... and the feeling "icky." I've lost a couple of pounds and 3-something inches. I feel SO MUCH BETTER! :)
Good luck to you!
Way to go!! Maybe I'll get inspired to do something for myself, too! I've been thinking about it for a while.
dude...not to discourage you in any way, shape, or form, but I don't know that the muffin top ever goes completely away without Dr. 90210. At least for me. Well, it kinda was like a mini-muffin top after Gavin, but after Cooper, it's just not going anywhere even though I'm down to pre-prego weight and in my pre-prego pants...the muffin just sits all purdy and fluffy on top. Though maybe if I had been doing crunches it might look a bit better. I think you just motivated me to start working on that.
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