When a super hero tells you to do something, you don't ask questions. You just start jumping - all various heights - so as to hopefully hit the height and style of jump s/he was looking for.
My friend Supermommy likes to peek in medicine cabinets and isn't afraid to admit it. She asked some of us to share what we have in ours.
Well, Supermommy, sorry to disappoint you, but that's it. No Viagra, no anal suppositories, no de-cootifying spray. Just a Tums bottle with ONE TUM in it and 53 bottles of lotion.
And you'd better believe I'm passin' this one on. Cuz I wanna see what YOU have in your cabinet. Melisa, Gail, Tammy and Kim and anyone else who wants to play along - consider yourselves tagged! (Visit Supermommy's post to link up.)
Think of it as MTV Cribs if it were produced by PBS and aired just after Sit and Be Fit.
Like I told Neil, I don't care about medication or sexy time aids. This is exactly the harmless stuff I usually come across and it all intrigues me. I would have totally chuckled at all the tanning aids a Wisconsin girl needs.
OMG, The Dora band aids where the first thing that caught my eye. I hope your boys don't plan on putting the moves on her, that's OUR girl... Face it Nick and Will, 3 boys have more in common with Dora. Comprende? ;-)
The hubs caught in the act of scrubbing gives you a ginormous edge. Thanks for indulging me Colleen.
Ugh. I'll do it, I guessss...
And I just remembered that you tagged me for that "take a photo of yourself RIGHT NOW" thing too. Guess I owe ya two!
Love the Dora band-aids!
And you're such a skinny Minnie! I wish I were adorable like you!
Okay, this is so FUNNY! I love it - and I too, noticed the DORA band-aids right away. But that's okay if your boys like them, my Molly loves Diego and has a Diego CROC piece thingy in her crocs - she'd totally pick DIEGO over DORA.
Anywho, love the medicine for constipation - and yes, hang on to it, cause you never know....
And I love DH cleaning the toilet. What a guy! I had to tell Leo to make sure to at least buy some Lysol wipes so he doesn't catch anything off his apartment toilet seat. He was all like "okay?...." Nope. They don't care!
I'm totally going to do this - right after I get to the "interview me" meme. Oh, the pressure!
I might just play along with this one. Because, you know, it's another friggin snow day and I'm bored to tears.
Well THANK YOU! Now I have another'to do' on my list. As If I don't have enough of them on there at the moment. I'm not talking about the tag I'm talking about the 'clear out the medicine boxes job'.
I'm ashamed to say this could be one of the least organised things in my entire life but I did take pictures.......
....off to tidy!
Im just glad you didn't tag me, cause you know I'd want to play and I SOOO don't need to share mine. LOL.
LOVE your husband's pretend sad face!
My only boy is 14- and we used to have Diego- yep, I think they're starting early- at least there not Barbie band aids- then you'd have to pay close attention.
First of all, your husband let you photograph that!?! WOW!
Secondly, we have the same moisturizer and tanning cream issues. I should be dark and supple. Sadly, I'm pale and dry.
I don't get it.
Bwahaha! This is so fantastic Colleen! I love that he's cleaning the toilet and I am the SAME way when it comes to lotions and stuff. You dont even want to know.
Wow--that's a lotta lotion! But a good husband to know how to scrub a toilet!
LMAO! This looks like a fun one. Gonna use this little meme as inspiration to clean out ALL my medicine cabinet hideaways...we have several. I'll do the before and after takes. Although, I may have to do some altering before the "befores" lest my husband divorce me for letting his cats out of the bag...so to speak...
I have a lotion addiction, too! Why do I keep buying more?
I'm gonna skip right past the point of the post, and comment on your closing line: genius! What is UP with the sit and be fit show??? One minute you're enjoying the peace that PBS cartoons brings, the next the kids freeze in place and just stare at the lady "working out" in a chair with a towel? Don't get it at all!
Ok, fine your medicine cabinet is cool but how exactly did you get the man to clean the toilet? I need to know this ASAP! ; )
Those Dora bandaids jumped out at me, before you even highlighted them.
Good of your husband to help other husbands - NOT. Now I can't let my wife see this or she'll say, "If Colleen's husband can do it..."
On a personal note. Which Dells hotel/resort do you think offers the most 'bang for the buck?' We're thinking of heading up there in late February, or early -March. Thanks!
That was an awesome post. Your hubby is such a trooper! I think you should be doing beauty product reviews!
I have a ton of lotions in my cabinet too! I seriously could open up my very own Bath & Body Works stand on my street corner to save my neighbors from going to the mall.
Sit & Be Fit, lol. You crack me up. Very cute post!
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