1) Right on right on right on...
3) La la la la...connect the dots...la la la la!

4) If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them...
6) Do you know how I know you're gay?
7) Meow-meow Lady Elaine meow-meow.
8) Ya take the good ya take the bad ya take them both and then you have...
10) If you leave, don’t leave now

12) And see? I have this really believable way of telling people they look really good, even though I'm just, you know...

Great Thrusday Thirteen List..
I love all of them but numbers..but numbers 7,8,9 and 10 REALLY stand out to me.
Happy TT!
oh.boy. I just discovered your blog. I don't need another blog on my list!! How I wish you weren't so witty and interesting!! Okay...we are obviously around the same age altho you didn't include "The Fonz" or "Laverne and Shirley" or St.Elmos' Fire, Tears for Fears...I could go on. Usually I do. But I don't want to take up all your comments space.
LOVE the list is what I'm trying to say here..."Tell 'em LARGE MARGE sent ya" or something like that. My 10 yr old says I never quote correctly. And your from Milwaukee, which is probably why I like your blog. I wrote a Wisconsin related post today...which oddly is how I found my way here. Thru K. Thru her Mr. Rodgers 13 and the rest is history. I will shut up now.
What an absolutely fab trip down memory lane. If You Leave is hubby's and my song.
Great T13, mine is up for the week.
Oh... how I loved Jack. Great list- thanks for making me smile today!!
Love it!! Great TT.
Thanks for stopping by my place. I will be back.
LADY ELAINE!!! OMG...that sure brought them back! LOL
Great list! I loved it!
I love this list! Such fond memories!!! ;-)
Happy Thursday!!
I love the list...wow, it sent me on a meltdown. And I won't be able to get a lot of the references out of my Mind.
Personally I would have gone with "What-sa Happenin' Hot Stuff?" from 16 Candles.
Happy TT.
Thank you Easter Bunny! Bwock-bwock!
Very fun list. I forgive you for putting the theme song to the Facts of Life in my head, but if it keeps me from sleeping tonight we might have to have a conversation. :P
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