First: Melissa at They Are My Everything awarded me a Share the Love award. It was created by Memoirs Of A Mommy to honor the donor who saved her son Noah's life with a heart transplant. Her hopes are that in passing this award, we are creating more awareness of the importance of organ donation. So, now it is my turn to pass on the award and Share The Love and spread the word about Organ Donation. Thanks Melissa! I would like to pass it on to the following:
Marni at Marni's Organized Mess - 'cuz she kicks my BUTT at tackles every week and has a great list of songs playing on her blog. Go check her out and TRY not to open the page just to hear her tunes.
Laura at Lovely Lalo - 'cuz she deserves another award!
Melissa at The Suburban Scrawl - she's an AMAZING parent.
Penelope Ann at The Cafe at the End of the Universe - she's recovering from surgery and needs some love.
Kelly at Mom of the Year - she's a new blogger but she has a hot hubby so I don't feel so bad that at 8 mo. pregnant her toes "look like lightbulbs". (Her words, not mine.) :O)
But seriously, go read the original post from the award's creator. And try not to get teary. Good luck.
Next: An award from Laura over at Lovely Lalo.
1. Chose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name of and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
4. The award winner and one who has given the prize has to show the link of Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Show these rules.
Suzie at Up the Hill Backwards - I love her sense of humor as she balances a working life with two kids, a hubby...wow...is she the NY contingent of ME?
Tammy at My Life - she started the Moments for Me Monday meme that gives me another reason to be good to myself once a week. I ♥ her for that!
Lisa at Confessions of an Apron Queen - she has a great way of sharing a recipe AND a story with great pictures to boot. She's also shared a good deal of pics of her hubby in a grass skirt and his trademark cowboy boots. Guess he lost a bet or something.
Dawn at My Thoughts Exactly - her weekly guffaws always make me laugh. Think funny emails from your friends without having to dig through them for the good ones.
Gail at Squared Off - she was one of my first blog visitors and gave me my first blog award. She takes some great pictures while taking her beautiful dogs for a walk over there in the UK. Oh, and I'm jealous of her Wii Fit.

And last but not least: Melissa at They Are My Everything did a pay it forward contest last week and I won a cute little boo boo bunny. So I am giving away
a $25 gas gift card!!!
Leave a comment - contest ends at 10 p.m. Central this Friday night, June 27. The only "catch" is that you have to hold a contest of your own.
There - I think that's it!
Thanks again to all my bloggie friends...now I'm finally off to bed!
Thank you for this award Colleen, it's lovely and I really appreciate everyone calling into my blog.
PS don't let me win your gas voucher as it would only cover a cupful over here (hehehe)
Aww shucks. Thanks for mentioning lil' ol' me. :D
This was a cool meme & I've always wondered how to make those cool mosaics. Now I know!
Thank you. You like me you really like me sniff
Thank you so much for the bloggy love! You're such a sweetheart!
hehe.....thanks Colleen!!
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