And I don't know about you, but my kids have drawers full of the cutest clothes. Granted, Grandparents play a part, and it really helped that my younger son can wear all the clothes his older brother wore last summer, but still. They're full. (That is, they're full on the days where the laundry isn't a week behind.)
Lately I've decided that I'm not putting myself last any more. Instead of browsing the toddler boys section at Old Navy, I walked through the Women's department first. And yeah, I already had t-shirts, but not cute t-shirts. We're talking like $8 a piece here. Not major splurges. And they actually fit me well in the areas, um, that are still flattering. They make 'em that way now - did you know?
Then I got a hair cut and bought myself a few new purses. Still, nothing huge. We're not talking a $500 uh, way expensive (quick - someone give me the name of a really super duper expensive bag, cuz I don't know one) purse, we're talking two relatively cheapies here.
My next purchase? SHORTS! This Mama had like, three pairs of shorts to wear in public. And probably only one of those that actually fit well enough to be comfortable. So one day, while shopping, the stars aligned: a sale + time to shop with just one kid + money to actually spend on clothes + finding shorts that are cute and not-too-momish = HOORAY!
Throw in a couple of cute tanks and over the course of several weeks, I updated my summer wardrobe and no longer looked like such a schlump. Of course, all this shopping meant that I needed to spend more than an hour on Saturday going through my drawers and closet, getting rid of the stuff I'd saved over the years. I mean, look at this crap.

Guess what - there were more than just these two, going back as far as 2001!
I think I added about 20 t-shirts to the garage 'rag box' from various charity walks over the years. That one on the left? Its a NASCAR shirt from a race Hubs went to in 2003.
The best? worst? thing I've been transferring from storage to the drawers again through several season changes was a gift from my Mom. I'm still not sure if she was joking, or truly intending to be thoughtful when she bought me this shirt for Christmas three years ago.
I don't know what I was thinking. It should have been returned.
Why it was in my drawers with my summer things is beyond me.
C'mon now - I know its not just me. Spill it! Tell me about the crazy things you have had for years because they're comfy. I know I'm not the only one in cut-off sweats! (I threw those out, too, I swear.)
funny you should post this because today I quit procrastinating the weight loss game and broke down and bought some better fitting newer outfits today totally on a whim...I don't keep anything long at all and this is not good for someone whose in a yo-yo stage of life and refuses to buy big again ... it's done and I'm allot more comfty in my own skin tonight. Big deal we have to put off something else maybe a few less groceries but hey for me that might not be a bad idea!
My last post was about clearing out a cupboard in the search for my Disney Poncho's! But I do keep my clothes in order mostly - although there are a couple of things there that I really should throw out, that are now a little too big and well make me look fat. But they are comfy.....hell no, I'm throwing them out right now....there, they are in the charity bag.
Thanks Colleen!
BTW I'd go for Radley bags, not pretentiously expensive and not expensive enough to get fakes!
I'm actually pretty good about tossing things that I don't wear.
But my hubby is a MAJOR pack rat! He still has clothes that he wore when we first started dating...I'm SO not kidding!
LOL -- I've been putting off sorting through my closet, but alas it must be done. Thanks for inspiring me!
Colleen, you crack me up :)!!! That T shirt, it's too much!
OK, I am a major,major packrat. I would but people would be appalled if I posted a picture of my drawers and closet.
I LOVE to shop! When I had kids, it gave me an excuse to start shopping for them; with the boy it was bad enough but a LITTLE GIRL??!!!
So little problem here... I stayed at home after the girlie so, um, a little harder to keep up with the vice.
I remember when I started looking at my wardrobe again after focusing just on the kids. So the last couple of years I've been filling the coffers with more SAHM mommy wear... but, yeah, my suits and workclothes are still all there too...
Okay, I think you've inspired a post... not a purging, just a post LOL!
My dresser drawers are like a black hole - clothes go in, but don't come out! The item of clothing I have WAY too many of? The free Tshirts with catchy sayings that you get when you donate blood (I'm wearing the one from Halloween that has a picture of Dracula on it and says "I survived the Vein Drain").
Woo Hoo! You go girl. We won't even talk about my dresser drawers. Or my wardrobe please! :) I'm de-cluttering my blog & store. Pop over for a look.
Confessions of an Apron Queen
Like Tammy, my husband still has clothes from college (20 years ago.) I can be just as bad, but the difference is that I will actually WEAR them. I still have a pair of Converse from my sophomore year of high school that I wear. I am 38.
Atta girl! I need to follow your lead on this one--I have a schlubby hooded sweatshirt with bleach stains that has GOT to Go! And I, unlike Team Testosterone, deserve some better variety in my closet!
I know exactly what you mean! I have been wearing the same old crap since the twins were born. I finally had to face the facts that my waist wasn't going to get any smaller and buy new shorts this summer. I love the longer lengths Old Navy has out now. I also splurged at Marshall's the other day and bought a new top... just because one of the twins said it looked pretty on me, lol. Oh, and don't get me started on what was still in my drawers and closet. ;)
I have been cleaning out Micheyla's closet as she collectes clothes from her grandmother and ends up with way too much, I alas need more clothes, so must consider shopping soon.
I have been cleaning out Micheyla's closet as she collectes clothes from her grandmother and ends up with way too much, I alas need more clothes, so must consider shopping soon.
I have a red sweatshirt from Victoria's Secret (back from my early 20's, when I actually bought clothing from VS) that has holes in it and bleach stains on it. But, I just can't part with it. It's so comfy!!
LOL! People buy me shirts like that because I am a teacher. For some reason, they thing I want to wear reindeer with flashing noses!
Yay for new clothes!
i have so much CRAP in my drawers. it's like i hold on to a vision of myself at 100 pounds and won't get rid of the clothes i might possibly wear at some point in the future. oh, and a vibrator that has needed batteries since 2000 :-)
Unfortunately, I am not fitting in much that's in my closet these days. I'm hanging my hopes on the fact that I typically lose 5 pounds in the first week of school (being so busy, rushing around, and the stress of getting ready.) I did clean my closet this summer (and posted about it, too :), and I think I got rid of TOO much stuff! Darn! Now I'll have to go shopping, too!
You go girl! See, we were meant to find each other, because I've decided I'm going to put taking care of me first! And if that means a trip to the salon or a new shirt from Target, then so be it. I've decided it's not even the big splurge - it's the psychological that I'm worth it too!
My secret comfy cozies that I cannot part with are my Ohio State tank and PJ bottoms. I know, isn't that sweet? My husband doesn't buy me sexy lingerie - he buys me Ohio State pj's. Guess that means we're true Buckeye's now.
You totally inspired me and I'm going to get going thru my closets and drawers - cause I know there's some scarry crap in there lurking around.
Yikes, those are some scary looking shirts...thank goodness you got some new clothes!
I wanted to come out of hiding and say hi, and let you know that your post "Why I Blog" inspired me to finally start my own blog. I hope you'll visit soon!
Too funny! I just took bags of stuff to the charity i give things too that came out of our closet... my husband has things in there he wore in HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!
You go girl....
What size shirt do you wear?!?!?
I will ship you a tank top that I have....just sitting around! It's black and it's sooooooooooo cool least I think so! It says USA Rocks in some cool biker or rocker girl type font!!!
If ya want it!
I bought the wrong size and didn't take it back! I'm soooooooooooooooo bad about that!!!!
PS - I love the purse, love it love it love it LOVE IT!!! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo gonna get one!!!! =)
I hate clothes shopping and cleaning out my closet. Good for you for treating yourself. We all need to do that once in awhile.
I am laughing so hard because I need to send you a picture of a bathrobe that I got in the 8th grade (it was huge back then) and is very ugly that my grandparents gave me. I didn't have it in my heart to give it away so I held on to it AND did use it. I still have it but can't seem to let go of it for whatever reason.
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