Friday, August 1, 2008


**This is a sticky post - scroll down for more current posts.**

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival ButtonIt's Monday.

And a Monday after a Sunday where the Hubster and I were rudely awoken by a puking three-year-old.

In our bed.

When we didn't even know said child was in our bed.

So forgive me for the late post, for, as you see, on top of that I was all wishy washy in that way I hate about just what it was I was going to give away.

So, without further ado - my giveaway (without intending to poo on my bloggie friends with their own online stores - cuz there are more than a few of you, you motivated peoples you!) is for

a Pink Lemonade BMah cute Pink Lemonade bag!outique Bag!!!

You saw mine in last week's post and they're trés cute! (Also, see photo at right.)

What you need to do:
1) Visit the Pink Lemonade etsy store and decide which bag you'd like if you won.
NOTE: This giveaway does not include her supa-cute but more expensive shabby chic totes.

2) Leave a comment on this post with the name of that bag.
NOTE 2: If your comment does not include the name of the bag you want, or includes the name of a shabby chic tote, sorry, but I'll have to chose another winner! Mama jus' doesn't have time for that.

3) Contest ends on Friday, August 1 at 10 pm Central.

4) Winner will be chosen via Random Number generator.

Now - comment away!

Want to find more bloggie giveaways?

**This is a sticky post - scroll down for more current posts.**


1 – 200 of 568   Newer›   Newest»
Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I can't believe I have to pick only one favorite! I think it's the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly bag.

These are gorgeous. Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

Unknown said...

No, that's my favorite, the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly!
Thanks for this giveaway! I am having 2 at my blog this week, not through bloggy giveaways, though, so check it out.

wfbdoglover said...

Ha - Holly, I like the same... Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Bag

So many bags, so many choices! I love them all. AND if I am lucky enough to win, would you be kind enough to write my husband a note that I truely did win the bag and did not buy, yet another one. eh eh.

Thanks for the chance.

Just Me said...

I love The Spa Chocolate Trellis Bag!!!

It was SO hard to choose!!

Melissa said...

One of everything please! My favorite is the retro kiwi pink flower! Thanks

cupiedollie said...

I love the Kiwi Pink Retro Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote!

V'ron said...

No only do i need Tetro Pink Kiwi Dots bag, I too would like a "husband note" confirming that this was indeed free, that i did not buy yet another bag.

Does she do messenger bags?

Karen MEG said...

These are all so super cute, almost enough to make me want to have another baby.... what, are you freakin' kidding me?
But then, I can always use the tote: Kiwi Chocolate Spa Damask


Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I think the Chocolate Pink Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag Purse Handmade is very, very cute. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

The Spa Chocolate Dragonfly bag.

Awesome bag...Cool site :)

Anonymous said...

Hard to choose...
Spa Chocolate Dragonfly!
Please enter moi!
psalm25v4 at msn dot com

Misty said...

i LOVE the pink chocolate Damask!!!! LOVE IT!!!
Great giveaway, those bags are lovely!
I'm having a giveaway too, you should enter!

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Mint Toile Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag Handmade

Patti said...

You mean I have to pick ONE!!! OK, I love the Pink Chocolate Stripe Boutique Diaper Bag Tote! that is too cute.

Jennifer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer said...

My favorite is the Pink Chocolate Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag but wow they are all awesome :-)

thedirtyshirtblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Sorry for the deletion above hit wrong button :-(

Heather said...

I thought I'd made up my mind until I saw there was a second page. Gah!

Ok, I choose Retro Kiwi Pink Flowers

What a neat giveaway!

Anonymous said...

The Chocolate Retro Spa Dots bag, please! Love them hard to choose. I hope I win!!! Hehehe!

Greta said...

Ok, I'm gonna go with the Chocolate Olive Kasmir Amy Butler Tote but it is CLOSELY followed by the Kiwi Chocolate Spa Damask Tote since I have a dipes/wipes case in that material.

Thanks for hosting!

Erin said...

It is ridiculously hard to pick just one! My favorite is the pink chocolate stripe bag.

Mindy said...

All of those bags are so cute! I like the Retro Kiwi Pink Flowers Boutique Diaper Bag Tote the best.
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!


Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

Mama likes the classic black toile or chocolate stripey one.


morninglight mama said...

I guess my tastes are not as 'unique' as I thought, as I will echo several people on here and say that this mama LOVES the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote-- I want to carry all my crap in that! :)

aahcoffee said...

I can't find any that I DON'T like....but I suppose my favorite is Spa Chocolate Retro Diaper Bag. I like her stuff so much that I had to add her to my favorites on etsy.

N said...

I like the Spa Chocolate Green Stripe Bag a lot!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, all of those are super cute, but I really like the
Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote

jamieshalon at gmail dot com

Jessica Y. said...

I would love the Retro Kiwi Flowers Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag! :)

jess***4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ***)

Frugal Finds said...

Chocolate Retro Spa..... but I love them all!!!
Frugal Carol

A Christian Mom said...

It looks like everyone likes the same one, lol... I also like the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote! But they are all adorable!

Anonymous said...

These totes are fabulous. I had a hard time choosing a favorite! I finally decided on the Spa Chocolate Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote.

What a great giveaway!

Ashley said...

OMG, I saw this and was like WHA? She's giving away her new bag??? WHAT? Ahh...well so very nice of you to give a NEw and different bag! (Altho I'd be just as happy with winning yours bwahaha) :) Here's my fave:

Thanks, doll ;)

lol and just to be clear, the blog listed on this profile with blogger is not nec the one you know me by (well you might)...but it's bosssanders :)

Anonymous said...

Spa Chocolate Dragonfly for me too, although I love most of them. What a great idea - I'm off to have a look to see if she does international shipping, one of my friends woud love one of those bags for Christmas!


Nicki & Em's Mom said...

I LOVE the Chocolate Spa Trellis Boutique! Yep that's the one for me!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Can I just have yours!
So sweet and my "grandma's keychain would look good hanging out of it!!!

Come sign up at mine!!!


And the not so fun of a puking child..sorry!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Ok so I like this one too if you don't want to part with yours?!


Unknown said...

The Pink Trellis Chocolate Boutique Bag Tote is supa-cute!

Joanna said...

I would love to have the Spa Chocolate Green Stripes Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag

Anonymous said...

Awwww - hope the little one feels better soon.

I like the same one as yours -- the chocolate retro spa bag!!

Amber said...

Ok, that was a SERIOUSLY tough decision! I've narrowed it down to three..okay, now two...I really can't decide between the classic black and white toile or the chocolate spa trellis bag. If I say one then I think maybe I should pick the other one. Can I just wait and see if I actually win and then choose between the two? Or maybe you can pick for me. :P (I'm so indecisive!)

bringing good home

NikkiSiddons said...

Hey Colleen~

I choose the Spa Chocolate Kiwi Damask bag.

I love them all though!

Give me a call soon!
Love, Nikki

Cristina said...

Pink Chocolate Stripe Boutique Diaper Bag Tote.

That tote just made me drool. (sigh)

Mama said...

Wow! That woman makes some beautiful totes! hmmmm, if I win, I think I would like the Retro Pink Flower tote. But, really, I'd be tickled with any one of them.

Please come by and visit anytime. I'm glad I found your blog -- it's very good!

flmom said...

So many cute choices! My fave is the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly bag. Thanks for the chance to win!

Mama Smurf said...

Well, I guess I'll wait to order mine cause I'm feel'n lucky!

Chocolate Spa Kiwi Stripe is my fav!

Becca said...

Oh my! After 10 minutes of drolling and stressing, I think my favorite may be the Pink Chocolate Damask Bag. I love all of them and the choices of colors are all to die for!

buzzd said...

Chocolate Spa Trellis Boutique Bag is my fav. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I loved the retro kiwi pink flowers. It was really hard to choose. The bags are gorgeous.

endrase said...

Wow-the Black Pink Paisley Boutique Bag is yummy! The contrast ribbon is the perfect finishing touch. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Han5nah T. the Manatee said...

I enjoy the Classic Black White Toile Bag. I love prints like these, and the black and white is very sophisticated.

Zip n Tizzy said...

You have wonderful taste dahling!

I think I'm more of a stripey type girl. I'd like to try for the Spa Chocolate Green Stripes Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag.

You're so much fun!

Kim said...

First, let me say...those bags are GOREGEOUS! My fave is the Pink Trellis Chocolate Boutique Diaper Bag Tote.


Ellerenee said...

So many to choose from. I love the Retro Pink Black Stripes Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag. Too cute.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I really like the Kiwi Pink Retro Dot bag, it's too cute. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous bags! I would love the Kiwi Pink Retro Dots bag!

Linda said...

Okay... While the shabby totes are indeed very cool, I <3 the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote Handmade - but wow. That was hard to choose. Love them! Thanks for the op to win one!
cokelush at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

OK, this was a tough decision. I got my hubby to help me pick and he couldn't pick a single bag that didn't look like me. LOL!

We finally decided on Retro Dots and Stripes

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Chocolate pink pals is my favorite. :)

Rebecca said...

ooh...i love the retro dots and stripes bag! all of the bags are great! i love them! thanks for the chance to win!

Yarni Gras! said...

okay...Kiwi Spa Chocolate is my FAV! But all are amazing!

BTW, our DD did that when she was 5....but it was a chocalaka shake from Smoothy King (allergic reaction)
Yeah, It was so bad that I actually took the comforter outside and HOSED it off at 2 in the morning! hahaha

Carrie said...

Boy, it was so hard to choose! I think I'm going to go with the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly. Gorgeous bags!!

Surviving the Smiths said...

Oh, they are all so cute. but... Retro Pink Kiwi Dots is my favorite.

Thanks for the opportunity!

KatieO said...

I love them ALL but this: is my favorite.

The Chatty Housewife said...

Chocolate Olive Kasmir Amy Butler Custom Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag! I love it. Thanks for the great giveaway. nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

Sue said...

I love the chocolate dragonfly bag and the retro kiwi flower bag. Would it be fun to win? Nice etsy site, too. Thank you.

Tammy said...

Love this one - Kiwi Pink Retro Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote -- thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I would love the "Spa Chocolate Green Stripes Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag". Whew. It's all in the name wonderful! Thanks.

thundercloudgirl at hotmail dot com

Re said...

Love the spa chocolate dragonfly tote - very pretty fabric

I'm having so much fun blog hopping. Great giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner :)

Bunny B said...

I'm torn between the Chocolate Spa Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handmade and Pink Trellis Chocolate Boutique Diaper Bag Tote! Thanks!

bunnybx at gmail .com

Anonymous said...

I have to have the retro pink kiwi dot bag. So pretty!

marlena said...

Spa Chocolate Green Stripe...but geez, they all are to die for! :)

Mrs4444 said...

I wish I may, I wish I might, have the Chocolate Spa Trellis bag tonight (or whenever :) It's a beauty!

Melissa M (Lagaz) said...

They are all gorgeous bags, it was hard to choose. I really like the Retro Pink Kiwi Dots Tote. So colourful.

I'm having a giveaway on my blog also. For free pair of earrings, please check it out.

Wendy said...

I love the Chocolate Spa Trellis bag! Thanks for the chance!

I Am Boymom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Am Boymom said...

Okay, let's try this again, with less spelling errors! I love the Retro Kiwi Pink flower bag! I also love your site!

Ang said...

So hard to choose just one, but I love the Pink Chocolate Trellis bag!

Stephanie said...

It took me forever to choose just one but I would pick the beautiful Black Pink Paisley!! FIngers are crossed!

Katrina said...

I LOVE the Chocolate Spa Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote! Such adorable bags!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Spa Chocolate Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag is so cute!

I love love love Pink Lemonade

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter? I love the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly bag.

Lisa said...

I love the Retro Dots and Stripes Boutique Handbag.

Mechelle said...

SO many cute totes! I loved this one
Spa Chocolate Trellis Boutique Tote

Thanks so much for the chance to win this great prize!

((hugs)) Mechelle

Summer said...

They are all so cute, it's hard to decide! I love the Spa Chocolate Retro Dots Diaper Bag. Awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love these bags! I have two favorites:

Chocolate Spa Trellis

and the

Pink Chocolate Dots



Messy Mom said...

I find it cruel and unusual that I only get to pick one!

I like the pink retro dots..... I like them all, but that one the best.

Ginny said...

I really like the Classic Toile Black White Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag! It's so cute. Thanks for having the giveaway!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love the Spa Chocolate Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote.

lilacbutterfly [at]

Unknown said...

Ack..hard choice. I would pick the Retro Black Dots and Stripes.

PS said...

I think the Retro Kiwi Pink Flowers Boutique Diaper Bag Tote is adorable, but it really was a hard choice. FUN!!

Beth said...

My favorite is the Black Pink Paisley bag. I love the color combo and the style. Great giveaway idea, thanks for the chance to enter!

ali said...

so cute. i love the chocolate dragonflies

Unknown said...

The spa chocolate trellis is TOO CUTE! But it took me awhile to narrow it down! ppreacherswife at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Those are some cute bags! It was hard to pick just one, but I think this was my favorite: Spa Chocolate Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote

Vickie said...

Those bags are SO CUTE!! The kiwi pink retrodots is my choice.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway Colleen!


Unknown said...

I am crossing my fingers, my toes, my legs, my arms - I really would love to win this, I absolutely adore this bag: Chocolate Spa Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handmade - it's so beautiful. Thank you fo rthe great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

It was hard to choose my favorite - but i think at the top of my list would be the Park Slope Chocolate Pink Flowers bag
too cute!!
thanks for the chance to win

Mrs. Hewett said...

These bags are too cute for words! I love the "Chocolate Mint Toile" bag. it is adorable! Thanks so much for including me in your drawing.

Mrs. H

Amy said...

I LOVE those bags. I'd get the spa chocolate dots!!

Thanks for the chance!

Carrie said...

I love the pink chocolate stripe bag, it's yummy! Someone is very talented! Thanks for hosting!

simplified happiness. said...

its gotta be the Chocolate Olive Kasmir :) :)
thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the Chocolate Spa Trellis bag. The diaper bag I currently carry is Eddie Bauer and way boring. Thanks for the entry!

Betsy said...

I love all of them! The Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote Handmade is so cute!

EB said...

All of the bags are beautiful! I especially like the chocolate pink paisley bag.


Anonymous said...

Spa chocolate kiwi. And if I don't win, I my get it anyway because these bags are so charming. Thanks for the introduction:)

Killlashandra said...

I love tote bags! And most of them are not nearly as cute as yours. :)

It was hard to pick just one. But I really liked Chocolate Mint Toile Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag Handmade.

Thanks for having a giveaway.

killlashandra at hotmail dot com

Kristan said...

chocolate mint toile. thanks!

michelle said...

I love the spa chocolate dots one.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Jessica Snell said...

I like the retro dots one - lovely!

Mrs. Sara said...

Squeal! How do you pick a favorite, they're all gorgeous! I need a fabulous diaper bag, so I think the Kiwi Spa Chocolate Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag is my favorite!!! WOW! What fantastic work!

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm excited!

saharagreen at gmail dot com

Maude Lynn said...

I like the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly!

kelli at pfrog net

bookworm said...

My favorite would have to be the Pink Trellis Chocolate Boutique Bag Tote, it looks wonderful!

Thanks for offering the giveaway.

~michelle pendergrass said...

If I don't win one soon, I'll have to buy one. I think I've entered a dozen or so giveaways and have yet to win the Pink Trellis Chocolate Boutique Diaper Bag Tote that I would most certainly use for a purse! LOL

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, how do you choose just one! I think I like the Pink Trellis Chocolate Bag the, I think...

Unknown said...

I have this thing with the color Chocolate and I would choose the Spa Chocolate Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag

They are sooooo cute!! Although, I wouldn't use it as a diaper bag though, I'd just use it as MY bag! :D

LC said...

I'm going to go with Retro Kiwi Flowers ... its lovely

Lisa said...

The names are yummy, I like the pink chocolate dot bag..

Yard Sale Princess said...

I just love the names of the fabrics! I wanted to climb into the bags and organize all of my stuff to make sure it would did. So now I will say that I love the Chocolate Olive Kasmir Amy Butler Custom Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag.

Anonymous said...

I had a rather difficult time choosing one since there all so cute. After looking at them a few times I decided on this one. Spa Chocolate Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote is my favorite.

LadySnow said...

I love the Spa Chocolate Retro Dots Diaper Bag Handbag Tote Custom Boutique

Sue said...

These are all so cute! I love the Pink Chocolate Stripe!


Makila said...

I like the Retro Kiwi Flowers Bag. Very Cute! Thanks!

makila04 (at) gmail (dot) com

Nessa said...

I love the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Bag! They are all so cute!

I have a feeling I could get in trouble at that Etsy store, lol.

Joy said...

This was too hard to choose. I like them ALL but if I had to choose............ it'd be the Pink Black Paisley!

Amanda Moore said...

I love your bags they are CUTE!!! My favorite one is the black and pink Paisley bag.

Angela said...

my favorite is the Retro Kiwi Pink Flowers Bag, but they are all sooooo cute!

Katy said...

Oh my gosh....there are sooo many I would LOVE to have! They are GORGEOUS!!! I am soo sooo sooo hoping to win this giveaway!!! *crosses fingers and toes* LOL

I think I would most like to win the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote. is beautiful and classy! I just love it! Thanks so much for this chance!!! :)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

My favorite is the pink chocolate stripe boutique diaper bag tote. This shop is amazing!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Tara said...

got to have the retro kiwi flowers

Shannon said...

The Spa Chocolate Retro is too cute.

Ellen said...

I think the Chocolate spa trellis tote is my favorite! it's so hard to pick they are all really nice!

Kristi said...

This one is super-cute!

Kiwi Spa Chocolate Paisley Tote

nicole said...

I love the Kiwi Choclolate Spa Damask bag. I bought a Pink Lemonade bag this past spring when I had my baby girl and I would love a new look for the fall. They are great bags.

Mommy Minded said...

You really want me to try and pick a favorite? Seriously, i love them all! lol Black White Boho is really cute and differnt!

Rachel said...

Ahhh! I have looked at her bags before -- I LOVE THEM.

My favorite (today anyway) is the Pink Trellis Chocolate Boutique Diaper Bag Tote. So cute!

Julie said...

You are right, so cute! Totally worth buying if I don't win. If I do, I love the pink trellis chocolate bag!

bleigh23 said...

hard to pck just one but-- Id pick spa chocolate dragon fly bag

Brenda said...

I sooooooooo want to win the Kiwi Spa Chocolate Paisley - love all those bags!

Cloth by Kim said...

I like the Black Pink Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag Tote! Thanks!

Tiffani said...

Oh my goodness...great minds think alike! I left a similar message on the top of my comment box :)!!

I LOVE the spa chocolate trellis bag...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Erin said...

Your bags are all so cute! Hard to choose just one, but my pick would be the Pink Black Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag.

Great giveaway! Thank you for offering it!

Qtpies7 said...

I can't remember when I have more wished I had money in my paypal! I so NEED the The Spa Chocolate Dragonfly bag! Oh, please, random number generator, give me the LOVE!

Shelly said...

All the bags are super cute. If I have to choose just one, it would have to be the Spa Chocolate Retro Dots Diaper Bag. Thanks for the giveaway

odomfamilyfun said...

Love the Spa Chocolate Green bag...but they are all cute and I would love any of them!
Great Give Away!!!

Ang said...

I love the Retro pink kiwi dot!! :)Thanks for hosting this!! Your bags are so cute!!

Claire Roach said...

Okay, I took five minutes trying to choose my favorite bag-they are all fabulous! I guess my favorite is the Chocolate Mint Toile Boutique Diaper Bag. Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com

Scarlet O'Kara said...

The Kiwi Pink Retro Dot bag is so very cute. That is the one for me...if I were lucky enough to win.

Scarlet O'Kara

Denise said...

Long time reader, first time commenter . . .
this give-away inspired me because I'm currently a SAHM to a 5 year-old, 3 year-old and 1 year-old. The eldest two are potty trained (one as recently as last month), so I think I could manage quick trips around town with the

Thanks for the chance!

emerzim said...

I totally just spent 15 minutes trying to pick a favorite. And I decided on the Chocolate Pink Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag. Of course, next time I look I'll probably change my mind.

Kristin said...

My favorite is this:

kiddlebug said...

If I have to pick just one....I can't! Okay, I pick the Spa chocolate retro dots bag. Love it (and many more!)

Jackie said...

Kiwi Pink Retro Dot...I LOVE these bags,and I am going to buy at least one as soon as I'm able. Thank this giveaway! :)

MommyBrainReports said...

Oh man.. I can't pick just one!!! I think it'd have to be the Retro Pink Dot Diaper bag... But it's sooo hard to choose!!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! Check out my contest too!


Amber said...

I love Pink Lemonade totes - they're all so cute! I really, really like the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Tote and would love to have it. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Jaxxine said...

Hi! I love the Kiwi Pink Retro Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote - so delicious looking and fun! Thank you!


Sandra said...

I love the spa chocolate dots one. Those are so cute!
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

phxbne said...

I love the Kiwi Pink Retro Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote

Connieh30 said...

I love them all but I guess the spa choc. dragonfly would be the one

Daintry said...

Oh my!!! I think I am in the majority here as well, I LOVE the Spa Choc. Dragonfly bag!

Deb said...

Pink Black Paisley....LOVE IT!!

Kristofer said...

i heart the pink chocolate damask bag! thanks!


kamewh said...

I love these bags!!! My favorite is the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly Boutiqe Diaper Bag Tote!!

Nonnie said...

I've been debating on a Pink Lemonade bag for a while...I can't decide between the Chocolate Dragonfly or the Retro Kiwi Pink Floral. Thanks for the giveaway!

nonnie4sj at gmail dot com

Geri said...

Please include me!!!! Great giveaway!

chocolate spa retro dots

Kat said...

Decisions, decisions. I have to say I am a fan of the Classic Black White Toile. But would agree with some and say "I'll take one of each!!" ha ha

Thanks for the chance :) said...

Pink Trellis Chocolate, please! :)


InnerBeauty AT AffordableMineralMakeup DOT com

Marilyn - A Mixed Bouquet said...

I like them all, but I finally decided on the Chocolate Mint Toile bag.


me and my sister said...

retro pink kiwi , i love it!

Krista said...

They are all so cute!!! But I think I'd pick the spa chocolate dragonfly. Do you think she could make it with one shoulder straps instead of two handles? :)
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

U+Me=Us said...

I love the Chocolate Olive Kasmir Amy Butler Custom Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag. I hope 2 win!

Katie said...

The Chocolate Retro Spa Dots bag is my pick! Thanks for the great giveaway!

katiellloyd at

Happy2bme said...

I choose Kiwi pink retro dots.

I'm crossing my fingers that I win. I love all of them.

Tara Webb said...

Love the chocolate retro spa!

Rebekah said...

It's hard to choose just one, but I love the Black White Boho bag!!!

Sheila said...

Not only did I kill 1,000,000 brain cells trying to decide which bag would go with more of my mommy outfits, but now I have to inform DH that if I don't win, I'll need some cash to buy another bag! :o) Thanks for the great giveaway... I would have to pick Spa Chocolate Retro. (I think... they are all way too cute!)

Jennifer Bogart said...

I like the black and white boho!
jennifer at quiverfullfamily dot com

Maureen said...

Beautiful Bags! I would get the Chocolate Spa Kiwi Stripe Diaper Bag tote- adorable!

Kim H. said...

Oh, I'd have to have the Kiwi Pink Retro Dots!

But since I never win ANYTHING, I'll probably just go order my own right now. :)

diane d said...

I love the spa chocolate kiwi. So very cute! Thanks for a great giveaway!! :)

Suzie Williams said...

It took me three minutes to decide! I finally decided on the Pink Trellis Chocolate Bag. All the prints are so cute and stylish!

Kama said...

Oh yeah! I love this bag: Kiwi Pink Retro Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote. It is adorable and would go great since I don't have a diaper bag yet and our baby is due in September!!! So cute!!

Angel said...

I'd love the chocolate spa trellis. My baby bag is falling apart :(

Geri said...

Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway! My favorite bag is well...hard to has to be Black White Boho Boutique Handbag Tote Diaper Bag Handmade! THanks!!

Wehaf said...

I love them all, but especially the Kiwi Pink Retro Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote. Thank you.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Raine said...

Black White Boho Boutique Handbag Tote Diaper Bag is my favorite, although it was hard to choose. These are all so beautiful. Thanks for this contest. I would love to win.

Super Woman said...

All GORGEOUS, but my fave is the Chocolate Spa Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag Tote. It's just so me. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

FaithfulMommy said...

Oh My Goodness, it was so hard to pick. I think the Pink Trellis Chocolate Bag would work for me. Thank you for a generous giveaway . . . WOW..


Unknown said...

Oh to choose just one! And oh my those shabby chic totes are so fun! BUT playing by the rules here... I love the Classic Toile in B&W!

Tenakim said...

Holy Moly- hot items! I don't usually do these giveaway things because I'm convinced I have horrible luck. I was stopping in from the buzz to see more about you. The bags are awesome and I honestly love every single one- I am really not just sayin that!!!

Lucy said...

Wow! What cute bags! I like the black and white boho bag or the chocolate trellis bag.

Trish said...

Too many to choose from! I love the Spa Chocolate Trellis Boutique Diaper Bag. And many others, but I better just stick with that one, otherwise they will pretty much all end up on the list! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Angie(quillysilly) said... was so hard to choose just one!! I decided on the choc. and pink paisley. Man those are all super cute!!! What a generous hoster you are!


Ginny said...

I love the Pink Black Paisley Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag, very pretty!

Nicolle said...

I am in love with the Chocolate Spa Trellis Bag! TOO CUTE!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

The Spa Chocolate Retro Dots bag is my favorite. I have loved this store since I first laid eyes on it, and I desperately need a new diaper bag! Great giveaway!

Erika said...

I love the Spa Chocolate Dots Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag. It is so cute! It was hard to pick just one that I love. Thanks for the contest!

Quinne said...

Hi :) Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway! I like the "Retro Kiwi Pink Flowers" bag. Blessings! Q

Fedora said...

They are ALL adorable, but if I had to choose just one, probably the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly... What wonderful bags!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Sarah said...

Pink chocolate damask but they are all gorgeous!!

Anna said...

The pink black paisley is so cute!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Just Me said...

I love the Kiwi Pink Retro Dot

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