Lately I've been lovin' Mrs. Fussypants's Fight the Frump posts. I've shared before my issues with fashion.
Let's review some of the basic style rules I've learned over the years. Shall we?
2) Always wear pants.
3) Don't run around in your training pants with your Daddy's shoes on and who-knows-what on your head. Not stylish.

4) If your Aunt asks you to be in her wedding, tell her only ruffles on the hem of dresses is cool.
The style rules I've learned have gotten more sophisticated over the years.
Not to shabby for a workin' Mom, hey?
Did you write a Flashback post this week? Link up! Any kind'll do. Come back and play again next week - no theme! Review rules & get graphics here.
HAHAHAHA wear your pants. Cute!
I LOVE your rules! Very cute.
Those are the cutest rules ever! Gotta remember to wear my pants!
Bare baby butts are soooo cute!!!!
I'm digging the ruffles on the dress. Reminds me of that shirt from Seinfeld.
Words to live by sister!
I think I had that same ruffeled dress
You mean we're suppose to wear shirts?? And pants?? Who knew??!! Cute post!
Yep great rules to live by in the "fight the frump" and I won't share mine cause I'm "poorly" fighting..hey I'm still in my PJ's and uncomb hair!
Shh don't tell fussy!
Love the bling! Those fly aways can be tricky. The bra strap thing always puzzled me, why show those???
You do match your curtains. Fantastic.
BTW-very adorable pictures and I agree your aunt did you wrong with all those ruffles! LOL
but for around the house on a hot day pants are optional, right? Only underwear is necessary? (This is a real issue of mine.)
all the pictures we're just as sweet as can be.
and yes i totally agree, that was way toooo many ruffles!
How cute! I love those baby pictures. :)
Cute !
Cute tush! haha. And I gotta love the $4 wally world tanks! cant live without them here in Florida.
So, bascially you're saying you're the same child you've always been - just more cloths? That's a good thing.
that is too good. I should gather some funny kid shots while I am here at my mom's. My kids have been going through the old pictures so there should be plenty of them there. Great inspiration. Thanks.
I just found your blog and this is great idea. Are they supposed to be funny? I didn't do a funny just somehting I learned. Yours is too funny.
I really must do this - but first I have to scan in all my old photos.
You and I must be around the same age as I'm sure my photos look just like yours - although I only have one naked - the 'bath' shot!
You do this so well.
Awesome list!!
I loved EACH of these outfits; every single one of them!
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